in a rather lame and transparent attempt to put off cleaning the bathroom, i've decided to try to get some more pictures posted here. these are from my summer/fall adventures.

this is a bee stinger, with the guts attached. we've all heard that when a bee stings someone it disembowels itself, yes? this is true. they sometimes trail their innards around as they continue to fly around after they've stung. i got stung twice, once in the ear (it was un-fun). poor little bees.

we planted some wilted, sprouting ginger in our garden, then forgot about it. look at what eventually got dug up! it was tasty. this also works if you throw your sprouting ginger ends in a flower pot.

fall was painting season. we painted and painted and painted. we got sick enough of that vile puce non-colour that was on the walls, and put lots of color in our home. it actually feels like people live here now! the pumpkin orange bathroom and the green pepper living room do so much more to soothe the soul than dusty rose and beige-ish.
ok, i've successfully evaded the bathroom cleaning for 8 hours now...time to go!
Nice job! My apologies for not helping out with the painting. It was probably the least I could do in exchange for all those great meals...
ha, no worries, we replaced you satisfactorily with an extension pole to get to the tall parts (although it doesn't offer nearly the same quality insight during our mealtime disucssions). just as well, as the fumes might've done you in :)
we've got a great veggie chili recipe perfected for when we next dine with you..
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